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      Technological innovations play an important role in all sectors of the economy and logistics. Supply chain management cannot stay away from this process either. And since our industry depends on large amounts of data that are stored in different programs and are entered very often. It is logistics that will benefit more from the introduction of new ways of working.

People or Platforms?

       The more simple logistics the better chain can be created. How many people are needed to control the supply chain from the manufacturer to the client? Different companies have different answers according to their experience. 

       Today technologies can allow controlling of the whole supply chain without any workers. The trucks can be loaded by drones at the warehouse. Getting the quotations and choosing the right number of operations can be also easier. New technologies brought new ideas to reduce costs. More and more different logistics platforms appear every day. So you won’t need to communicate to different companies and can just paste the necessary data and it will show you the price and terms. Pretty simple. 

     Though such platforms might work only on regular routes for now. Some complicated logistics issues can be resolved only with people. Otherwise, the goods won’t be delivered to the right place. Besides people must control such a platform, though in this case, AI can be in charge of it as well. 

  Autonomous Vehicles

      Although autonomous vehicles are closely linked to the near future of logistics. However, one of the most talked about logistics technology trends in recent times. Though, it has met lots of problems. One of the main problems is the road. Not all countries in our world possess highways. Another problem is about working in the towns and cities. Some latest models of trucks have problems with the GPS system when they enter the city and the drivers have to solve this problem with their skills. What is going to be with drones then? Besides, none said that all people are driving according to the traffic rules. 

      If it goes to aviation there also might be a problem. The radar simply doesn’t see the drones at the low altitude. In the case of drones, they can miss the electrical wires and that can cause ridiculous problems. 

     There should be a lot more to start using new technologies. Digitalization will solve this eventually! 

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