The most important art of the Creed Valhalla Assassin.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is not the best Xbox series (Photo: Ubisoft).

Wednesday Incoming users call up the Xbox Game Pass as their primary blocking service, as a player needs the next generation without broadband internet access.

You can participate in the discussions by e-mail at [email protected].

The Xbox is optimized
Since there are no games on the Xbox, I had to browse through my back-catalogue when I was on the Xbox Series. Nobody really talks about HDR cars, but I thought it was a revelation in some games. Games like Alien Isolation are definitely a winner. The biggest improvement I’ve found is Wolfenstein 2. This game used to have a dynamic 4K, so on the Xbox Series X it now looks virgin and smooth. It’s weird to download these old games because they don’t look like I remember them. In fact, I enjoyed games older than, for example, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

The new Call Of Duty is another one that seems a bit lukewarm. We have to take into account a pandemic affecting development, so I can’t be too critical. The pandemic has taken away the shine of this new generation as a whole. Lifting a console outside JD Sports is simply not a tradition, and low availability scanners are sad to see.

As far as the Xbox is concerned, I strongly recommend patience and not giving in to scalpers. And no worse than the Astro arcade and demonic souls, you don’t have to pay for your chances. Keep an eye out for websites like GC that keep you informed about new promotions. Who would have thought that buying rolls of toilet paper in 2020 would be one thing, so that people who buy multiple consoles for some reason would not shock me at all.

I just wanted to talk about the Game Pass and how good it is, especially during a lockdown. This year I bought four races for the full price: Resident Evil 3, The Last Of Us Part 2, It’s quiz time, and Crash Bandicoot 4 is all I have on Game Pass. There are only a few series of games that I really wanted on the first day (mainly Tomb Raider and Resident Evil), so I’m the type of player that attracts this service.

This year alone, I played in The Tale of the Plague: Innocence (super), Blair Witch (fur), Bleeding Edge (OK), Day Z (OK), Death in broad daylight (super), Free us from the Moon (OK), Lot 2 (OK), Bad luck 2 (super), Eternal Lot (great), Fable 2 (great), Acceleration 5 (fur), Founded (OK), Guarding (great), Orie and Will of the Wise (great) and The Roads of Wrath 4 (good).

Since the release of EA Play, I’ve worked my way through Star Wars Jedi: Falling Order and I have a hunch, Star Wars: Battlefront 2, A Way Out, and even the national anthem has been downloaded and is waiting. Actually it’s funny how good it is, I don’t think I can do without in these difficult times – maybe that’s what keeps me on Xbox, since the actors in 2021 look a little naked.
Jay (Graffitiheart89 – gamertag/NHP-ID)

The following gene is offline
I just wonder if you or any of your readers have information about how the new generation works without an internet connection? I had all the previous PlayStations and I played Final Fantasies, Personas, Uncharted, Yakuzas, Sekiro: Shadows The Twice, Valkyrie Chronicles, Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War, Witch, XCOM, some FIFA and Catherine are just a few examples.

I avoid games that focus on multiplayer, and other than a small delay and a freeze on Fallout games, there have been no real problems. With what you can do with your smartphone, there must be a lot of people like me who don’t want or need a broadband phone or a landline phone to pay. Keep up the good work and thank you in advance.

HONG KONG: The new generation console without internet doesn’t seem perfect to us.

Please send your comments by e-mail to: [email protected].

Bad Start
I wonder if I’m lonely, but I can’t remember the last time I liked the start of a video game. I mean, there are so many games these days that are complex, open-world shops, with so much choice of menus and beans, that the first few hours are often confusing and overwhelming when you try to deal with everything – not to mention the usually complex control patterns that take some time to remember.

I’d say Red Dead Redemption 2 and a corrected version of Ghost Recon: The wilderness is perhaps the most recent and striking example of this, both of which caused a small headache in the first few hours.

Usually everything falls into place and in the end I enjoy the games, but somehow I miss the days of PS1 and Mega Drive, where you could (mostly) just jump in and start enjoying the game right away.

That, of course, is at the heart of the First World problem, but I thought it was worth mentioning because I was curious as to whether anyone else felt the same way.

Next virtual gene
Really enjoy my next plant, Oculus Quest 2. Enjoy sword fighting until you fall and sweat (the shoulders kill me, but I almost have the best sword in the game). The Echo Arena seemed a bit complicated at first, but now I’m addicted to zero gravity Frisbee, and I can’t believe the game is free! Have you ever played Final Fantasy 10 and liked the lightning game? Then you must play Echo Arena!

I’m going to buy a PlayStation 5, but after my old experience repairing PlayStation 3, each with its own parts inside, I came to the conclusion that buying a starting console is the best price for an inside model. 300 pounds for an Oculus Quest 2 seems more acceptable.
TomBloodySizer (PSN ID)/TommyFatFingers (Oculus)

So from Thursday my PlayStation 5 will be available and I have to say 112 is an impressive piece of a good set. The Astro Game Room has been a great pleasure for me and now I’m putting my teeth into Uncharted 4 (I didn’t have a PlayStation with PS1, so there’s still a lot to catch up on).

I want to expand my friends list on PlayStation because I’m late for a party now, in case a member of the GameCentral staff wants to add me? Work on it!
gavin g1 (Gamertag)/Herzog_des_Gesichts_u2 (PSN ID)

Shoot HD
Missed Hot Topic last week, but read some reviews with interest. I have my own information about overestimating many Nintendo games. In fact, not all of them start with Super Mario or The Legend of Zelda. I’m a player who only uses switches and I love this console from the point of view of hardware. It does what Nintendo does best – creatively combining modest existing technologies to create something more than the sum of its parts.

However, I think Nintendo’s reputation for games is a little exaggerated. Everyone remembers the big jumps of Super Mario Galaxy or Breath Of The Wild, and that’s true, but the vast majority of their games are really very conservative children’s jumps, over a very narrow range of IP addresses. If you look at the list of major support providers, Mario Kart 8, Animal Crossing : New Horizons, Pokémon, Fire Emblem, Mario Tennis, Super Smash Bros. is essentially an HD version of the 15-20 versions of the GameCube (or DS).

Many of them even wear old drawings from that time, so clumsy is the stock management (signs of the zodiac and the fire, I’m looking at you!). This tells you that you usually only get one iteration of the franchise per console, as if Nintendo couldn’t come up with new ideas to improve the games or offer various follow-up options in terms of pure software without developing new hardware. I accept the exception to the Super Mario Galaxy 2 rule.
PS : Forget XCOM 2, after your review of iOS yesterday, how close is it to the switch version? Like some people, I have a switch and an iPad (relatively new, which is used to start the game), so I’m wondering which version to get. After the tax change, it will be much cheaper on IOS and given the more powerful Apple hardware on the new iPad, can we expect it to work better? But I like it when all my games are on Switch to play together with physical control… and you have a TV dock.

HONG KONG: That doesn’t really apply to Animal Crossing, Pokémon or Fire Emblem – and we don’t even like the latter two. But yes, XCOM 2 works more easily on a high-end iOS device.

Discover all the previous games received here.

You don’t have to be careful:
Got PlayStation 5 has been set up and these are the highlights so far for those interested.

  • The controller is really built on a dive, and the range of the Astro is an excellent indication of what it is capable of. You can feel each person pounding on the metal, which then turns into a beep when they walk on the snow – when they start skating, you can really feel each person sliding on the ice as you change direction. At one point, as I walked through the fan, the combined movement and sound of DualSense indicated that cold air was blowing over my chin. In fact, I held him twice to make sure he wasn’t really blowing cold air. It’s not how it feels outside the VR.
  • I’ve tried a few games for PlayStation 4, and the quality has improved a lot. I’ve tried F1 2020, and it’s amazing when you’re in the pit, when you can read the text on the TV screens in the background, when everything is blurry and blurry on the PS4 Pro. The refresh rate is also significantly increased and, in combination with the shorter entry delay, you will feel much more responsive.
  • I’ve never played Days Gone, but a few hours before, and I’ve never seen graphics of such quality, both in resolution and frame rate, on my PS4 Pro. You’re forgiven for thinking this is a beginner’s game – I can’t wait to see what they can do with the new games in the next few years.
  • The quality of life has greatly improved: silent run, activity cards, trophies, etc., and surprisingly, you turn them on, choose a card for the game you’re playing, and less than two seconds later you’re actually playing where you are – so I don’t see the need for some quick summary.
  • There was no problem with the size, and it fits perfectly on my TV, it looks very good in the meat and has no fit problems. The SSD also has a lot of space because I have installed seven full sets and I still have 400 GB left.

If anyone thinks about getting it and anyone has a question, let me know – I’m glad I didn’t wait!
David M

Even if you enter
, will anyone with a gambling problem delete the PlayStation 5? If you install the drive without pressing the copy button, wait a few minutes and the installation process will start automatically. That should solve your problem.
StuRobbo1984 (PSN ID)

I really like these mini-consoles in one device. However, it should only be half the price and have at least 30 or more games. I have a retro collection of Capcom on my Xboxes with lots of games, and it costs about £15. It’s too expensive. Come on, Capcom, you can do better than that.

Hot topic
, which this week will be covered for this weekend’s inbox, asks what impresses most something from the next generation of consoles.

These can be the set-top boxes themselves, games, controllers, services or functions that were not available in the previous generation. What motivates you most about the future of PlayStation 5 and the Xbox X/S series and why?

Do you feel at this point in your life that the new consoles are more impressive than the old formats, or do you think that they are another disappointment? What are your expectations for the near future (in the next six months or so) and in the longer term?

Send your comments by e-mail to [email protected].

Small font
Inbox updates are published daily in the morning and special Hot Topic inboxes on weekends. The readers’ letters are used according to their own merit and can be edited for length.

You can also have your own 500-600 word reading function available at any time, which, if used, will be displayed in the next available slot at the weekend.

You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

MORE… Games are coming: Seven PS5 devices for one client, DualSense steamed and one missing PS5 power supply.

MORE… Games are coming: Satisfied PS5 customers, PS5 eBay scalers and the fun of the Astro Game Room.

MORE… Hot topic for the weekend, part 2: Unpopular views on the game

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