Former Vice President Joe Biden has won the Democratic primary for his party’s nomination in Connecticut, according to CNN. Biden first gained prominence as a senator from Delaware and ran unsuccessfully for president twice before serving two terms with Barack Obama. He announced his bid for president on Thursday after months of speculation about whether he would run again or retire from public life following criticism during the last few years. The former vice-president is expected to face off against Republican frontrunner Donald Trump in November 2020

The “quinnipiac university poll bias” is a term that has been used to describe the difference in opinion polls between Democrats and Republicans. The term was coined by Joe Biden, who said he felt like he was running against his own party in the race for president.

Biden Crosses the Quinnipiac


On Thursday, President Joe Biden addresses media in the Russell Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill, making a strange argument regarding vote counting.

Rod Lamkey/Zuma Press photo

The White House is claiming that Mr. Biden’s recent polling numbers aren’t as dismal as they seem as America approaches the conclusion of the first year of the Biden administration—or, as Democrats define it, the age of greed—as the country approaches the end of the first year of the Biden presidency. More importantly, it looks that the president has just recognized that state voting regulations aren’t as awful as he says.

Given that the polling industry dramatically underestimated his appeal and the popularity of congressional Democrats in the days leading up to the 2020 election, the White House confronts a difficult sell in saying that public opinion polls underrate his political power.

However, the White House is also criticizing the technique used in a recent survey that gave a particularly scathing evaluation of the president’s popularity among Americans.

According to Axios’ Hans Nichols:

According to a document obtained with Axios, White House deputy chief of staff Jennifer O’Malley Dillon is aggressively denouncing a recent survey that gave President Biden a 33 percent popularity rating, calling it a “outlier” with the full weight of her office. .. The White House is displaying how seriously it takes bad opinions of the president’s job performance by issuing a document challenging the methodology of a Quinnipiac University survey at the start of a crucial election year. It’s also admitting that the president’s approval rating is low — albeit not as low as Quinnipiac discovered. “The president’s approval rating is 43 percent, according to the FiveThirtyEight average of all public surveys,” writes O’Malley Dillon. “On the other hand, Quinnipiac has a 33 percent approval rating. This is in stark contrast to all previous recent surveys.”

According to Quinnipiac University, 53% of Americans disapprove of Mr. Biden’s job performance, while just 33% approve. Readers may judge if this result differs much from, say, the Rasmussen Reports finding that Biden has 38 percent approval while disapprovers make up a whopping 60 percent of those questioned.

As far as this writer can discern, the White House is not criticizing the technique used in polls that show Mr. Biden to be somewhat unpopular rather than extremely unfavorable.

Because Ms. O’Malley Dillon invokes the authority of FiveThirtyEight, it’s worth noting that the website gives Quinnipiac surveys an A-minus, a far higher score than some of the pollsters who have been reporting higher Biden popularity ratings. Should we anticipate a harsher White House letter outlining the issues with such polls?

This piece hastens to point out that public opinion polling is an inexact science, if one can call it that.

To be honest, this column must also address the issue that many readers are asking in reaction to the Quinnipiac results: Who are these 33% of Americans who believe the president is doing a good job? Readers could be motivated to conduct a poll of their neighbors and share the findings. On the other hand, with the weekend coming, maybe a better strategy is to just provide hospitality to neighbors without regard for politics.


Joe Biden’s terrible slanders against anyone who disagree with him on voting processes have been everything but neighborly or even polite. Mr. Biden has argued that perfectly reasonable state limits on voting hours and ID requirements are depriving Americans the right to vote while advocating for a dramatic change in Senate rules to enable him to federalize election monitoring. However, after yet another ineffective meeting on Capitol Hill on Thursday afternoon, the president seemed to finally accept that his rhetoric is inaccurate, stating that the actual problem is not whether people can vote, but whether individuals he trusts are counting those votes.

The following is a transcript of the President’s interaction with reporters after his meeting with Senate Democrats, as provided by the White House:

Q Mr. President, are you confident in your ability to do this task? Q Why can’t you obtain these two votes, Mr. President? Q What is the backup plan? Q Are you able to do this task? THE PRESIDENT (inaudible): First and foremost, you ask complex questions such, “Can you get this done?” I’m hoping we’ll be able to finish this. The truth is that I’m not sure whether we’ll be able to finish this. Is this microphone turned on? I suppose — in any case. — — — — — — — — — — We are unsure. THE PRESIDENT (inaudible): I’m not certain either. But, in any case, I’m hoping we’ll be able to finish this, but I’m not sure. But one thing is clear – one thing is definite: if we fail the first time, like every previous significant civil rights initiative that has come around, we can try again. This was an opportunity we couldn’t pass up. This was an opportunity we couldn’t pass up. And state legislatures continue to amend the law, not in terms of who is allowed to vote, but in terms of who is allowed to count the votes – tally the votes. Count the votes, please! It’s not about whether or not people get to vote; it’s about election sabotage. Who is in charge of counting the votes? That is exactly what this is all about. That’s what sets this apart from anything else we’ve done before. I’m not sure we’ll be able to achieve it, but I do know one thing: as long as I’m alive, as long as I’m in the White House, as long as I’m active at all, I’ll be fighting to alter the direction these legislatures are moving.

Mr. Biden wants the federal government to take over election monitoring in order to replace persons who have been appointed by states to count ballots? It’s unclear if his allusion to “election subversion” is a charge or a promise, but Thursday’s tirade may be his most political and alarming yet.


“The Cost: Trump, China, and American Revival” is co-authored by James Freeman.


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