Suicide Squad director David Ayer wants to #ReleaseTheAyerCut – but only after James Gunn makes his DC debut in The Suicide Squad. Ann Sarnoff, president and CEO of WarnerMedia Studios and Networks Group, told Variety in an interview following the premiere of Zack Snyder’s Justice League on Monday that the company would not be developing the director’s cut of the 2016 blockbuster. A few days after WarnerMedia’s 20th anniversary. Last May, when he announced that it was finally #ReleaseTheSnyderCut, Ayer tweeted that his edit was easy to make and that the film he had made had never been screened before.

In response to a tweet that it didn’t make sense to drop Ayer so soon before Suicide Squad – Gunn’s new film, due out October 6. August in theaters and appearing on HBO Max – are to be released, Ayer tweeted: That would be terrible brand management. No one suggested that. Let James crush it.

That would be terrible brand management. No one suggested that. Let James crush him.

– David Ayer (@DavidAyerMovies) 22. March 2021

When Gunn was asked last year if he had any objections to Ayer’s cut, the Peacemaker director tweeted that he was fine with what @DavidAyerMovies and Warners wanted to release without issue.

While there were initially calls for Ayer’s adaptation to see the light of day, the director of End of Watch and Bright revealed on Twitter that his adaptation is just about finished except for a few frames. WarnerMedia has reportedly spent at least $70 million to restore the four-hour visual effects portion of Justice League, which aired on HBO Max.

It would be incredibly cathartic for me. It’s exhausting to get your ass kicked for a movie that was edited by Edward Scissorhands, states a May 2020 tweet, referring to the theatrical version of the film, which is known as a studio adaptation. The film I made was never seen.

In October, Ayer first scribbled back after dropping his unreleased Suicide Squad segment, tweeting that he had stayed true to the tone presented in the popular Comic-Con trailer released in July 2015.

I took a beating like a good soldier when the studio track hit the streets. That’s what I am, Ayer tweeted on the 17th. of October, referring to an interview before and after the film’s release, in which he referred to the theatrical version of Suicide Squad as his part of the DCEU ensemble with Will Smith and Margot Robbie. It’s amazing. Oh, my God. For years I felt guilty, like I had messed up. No. It’s the fire.

Previously, Ayer revealed that the theatrical cut left a lot of Joker (Joker, Jared Leto) scenes on the cutting room floor – so much so that Leto once openly asked if there were any [Joker scenes] that weren’t cut.

The theatrical release of Ayer’s Suicide Squad can now be seen on HBO Max. Gunn’s Suicide Squad, starring Margot Robbie, Idris Elba, John Cena, Joel Kinnaman, Jai Courtney, Michael Rooker, Peter Capaldi and Viola Davis, comes out on the 6th. August in theaters and on HBO Max.

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