New York


Safari placed a photo with his signature on Instagram, suggesting that he and his wife Erika Mena are no longer together. Star of Love and Hip-Hop has a picture with the inscription BACHELOR! End of 2020 on the right! He also noted the divorce court on the photo.

Mena has also posted mysterious messages on social networking sites, but has not confirmed that her marriage is over. She was on Twitter: There aren’t many smart people like me. No man can ever stop me !!!!!!!

She twittered, too: Scorpion stings – the most beautiful pain.

According to Hollywood Life, she also published a subliminal message in her Instagram story.

Things are different now… …nothing held me back too long, she writes.

Scorpion stings – the most beautiful pain.

– Erika Mena (@iamErica_Mena) 4. November 2020

In one of their recent Instagram messages, there was another vague message, perhaps indicating that there are problems in paradise.

You can have anything you want in your life, without limits. But here’s the problem: You should feel good. The Scorpion 2020 season in motion!

No nerve, not as much as me. ✨ No one can ever stop me !!!!!!!.

– Erika Mena (@iamErica_Mena) 4. November 2020

Social network users have commented on the possible end of the marriage between the men and Samuels

Followers commented on Samuel’s position in disbelief because he and his wife were no longer together. One of the followers wrote:

Would you like to… Erica’s not going anywhere, and neither are you… You can fool every layer somehow, but you can’t fool every layer all the time…

The other person who followed the debate commented on this: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! It’s almost her birthday and I have to find out, they said, referring to Mena’s birthday on the 8th. November. Don’t make any decisions you might regret.

One of the users of the social networks was disappointed when he heard of their dissolution.

I was really hoping you’d make it, they said.

A commentator criticized them and said they got married too soon.

You have to learn to go out longer, they wrote. These weddings are going to last 10 days. It’s ridiculous.

Rumours about the divorce started in September 2020.

Erica Mena, Safari Samuels.

Responsible for the reality show GettyUS Safaree Samuels (R) and Eric Men.

In September, The Shade Room reported that the couple had broken up on Instagram, suggesting that their marriage may have been broken up. Then Mena shared the mail, which apparently sent a shot to her husband.

My children. This is my life! For some people the priorities are actually f*****. Good thing I’m not one of those idiots, she kept a picture of her two kids in the pool.

A few days later, Samuels posted on social networking sites that Mena had bought him a gift and implied that it was a gift with an apology. The Atlanta Black Star reported that Samuels has published a photo of his new ISOVOX voice console on his Instagram story with text:

My wife surprised me and bought me this. She knew she was a bad girl, and then she laughed at her feelings.

The couple celebrated the 7th. October 2020, the year of the wedding. Samuels offered Mene a dramatic event for Christmas Eve 2018, which included 20,000 pink pedals, 200 candles, a complete set and fireworks after she said yes, and a $175,000 14-carat diamond ring, People and Espanol reports.

READ NOW: Love and hip-hop star sues the company.

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