The countries of south-eastern Europe, which calculate their indicators quickly, will soon start reporting. The battle zones in the upper Midwest and Great Lakes and the states outside the West will appear later. And counting the votes may take a few more days in some states.

Meanwhile, Republicans are trying to retain control of the Senate – Democrats should have a net win of three seats if Biden is elected president and four if Trump wins.

And the way in which each state counts and registers votes can cause differences for each candidate: It is possible that the first series of results in the most important countries do not reflect the result in those countries because more votes are counted.

Let’s see how election night goes:

17:00 ET: Preliminary investigation

Voting is still open in all 50 states, but the first ballot will take place at 5 pm. IT. These exit polls do not predict who will win in the big states, but they do give an idea of who will vote and what will motivate their vote. These findings may help explain the election results.

from 18 to 19:30 ET: Beginning of south-eastern battlefieldCountdown

The first polls end at 6 p.m. in most parts of Indiana and Kentucky, two Republican strongholds. But the real intrigue starts when the polls close an hour later. Virginia, a state that has moved towards the Democrats in recent years, could be the first big clock of the night with its 13 expected votes for Biden. Georgia will be the first real battlefield of the night with 16 votes.

READ IT: When the elections in key states are over and the ballots have been counted.

Most polls in Florida end at 7:00 p.m. ET, but because their Panhandle area is in the central time zone, some neighbourhoods will remain open after an hour. The state processed the votes within a few weeks, so the first reported results were most likely early votes that tended to vote for the Democrats. On the fields of Biden in South Florida, especially in the provinces of Broward and Miami-Dade, it will be very important to watch, and the Democrats are concerned that his campaign has not done enough to prove itself as a black and Spanish electorate. However, polls have shown that Biden is one step ahead of the former electorate, which means he may be less conspicuous in the battle for 29 state votes.

Fault! The file name is not specified.

At 7.30 p.m., the polling stations in two other key states will close: North Carolina, 15 votes, Ohio, 18.

Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and Ohio are crucial for the president’s narrow road to victory. The expectation is that the southeastern states will count the votes relatively quickly so that Mr Trump can win the re-election sooner.

But the Democrats shouldn’t be under too many illusions: In North Carolina and Ohio, early and absent ballots are counted first, which is probably more favorable for Biden than the state as a whole, including the ballots issued on election day.

The other state where the election ends at 7 p.m. is South Carolina. It’s not a battleground for the president, but Democrat Jaime Harrison broke all Senate funding records in a long attempt to free the seat of Republican Senator Lindsay Graham. Harrison’s victory would have been a huge and unexpected boost to his party’s hopes of gaining control of the Senate.

20.00 AND : Pennsylvania and Texas closing

The main battlefield, Pennsylvania, closes its polls at 8pm. IT. With 20 pickups, it’s the highest price for a blue-walled vote in the states, and studies have shown that it’s probably the most competitive. Biden and Trump have conquered the states in recent days and have emphasized their importance.

The plans for counting the ballots vary considerably and some provinces will not publish any of these results on election night, creating a scenario in which the first results are more favourable to Trump than the Commonwealth result. Biden’s hopes are also justified by the good performance in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Trump tried to sow doubt in the minds of voters about the sincerity of support for the former vice president of Fracturing in Western Pennsylvania, where Trump hopes to score huge points with white, working-class voters.

Fault! The file name is not specified.

In Texas, the vote count starts at 8 p.m., and it’s a huge poll with 38 votes. AND, although the westernmost part of the state, including El Paso, is in the mountain time zone and begins in an hour. A victory in Texas that changes the political landscape will even consolidate Biden’s victory. Initially, there were more votes in the state than in the entire legislature of 2016. Democratic and Republican Party officials will continue to review the results in Texas and decide whether a hitherto reliable Republican state should be considered a presidential battleground.

Also in Maine the polls close at 20.00 hours. The state is home to one of the nation’s most closely watched Senate races, between Republican Senator Susan Collins and her Democratic rival Sarah Gideon, although the results of that race may take some time as a ranking of votes is available. The state also divides its votes based on the results of the different congressional districts – which means that while Biden gets three votes, the second vote is based on the results of the first vote. In a campaign for the right to vote in presidential elections, only one vote can play a role.

New Hampshire, a rival state with four votes, which is expected to support Biden, also starts counting the votes at 8pm. As in Alabama, where Democratic Senator Doug Jones is the main target of the GOP in the country, against Republican challenger Tommy Tuberville, the former football coach of the University of Auburn.

from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET: Arizona and the Blue Wall start counting.

The elections in Arizona (11 votes), Michigan (16), Minnesota (10) and Wisconsin (10) – the country’s four main battlefields – will close at 9pm. IT.

Part of Michigan and Wisconsin – part of the blue wall that Biden is trying to rebuild – is expected to be slower to communicate the mood via extra mail, increasing the chance that Trump’s first results will be more favorable than their end result.

Minnesota is the only one of the four states that lost Trump in 2016. His campaign had hoped to provoke a reaction from suburban white people to the protests against the racial injustice that followed the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police this summer, but opinion polls showed that this reaction never materialised. But Trump and his campaign have made the state blush this year.

Fault! The file name is not specified.

In Arizona, the increasingly diverse and suburban electorate quickly transformed the former stronghold of the GOP into a state with 11 votes to conquer. Republican Senator Martha McSally is the main target for the Democrats, facing challenger Mark Kelly, former astronaut and husband of former Congressman Gabby Giffords. The state needs to process many of its results quickly, but the 2018 Senate match between the Democratic Senator’s Kirsten film and McSally lasted several weeks.

The elections in Nebraska end at 9 p.m. and the state votes in the Congressional district – just like in the state of Maine. While Trump should win four votes in the election, the second candidate should be the winner. Omaha District and is also one of the suburbs of the House of Representatives where the Democrats hope to come from.

Two other key states in the battle for the Senate will begin counting votes at 9 p.m: Colorado, the state where Republican Senator Cory Gardner is trying to defeat the former Democratic administration of John Hickenlooper, and Kansas, where Democrat Barbara Bollier fights Republican Congressman Roger Marshall in a surprisingly competitive campaign.

At 10 p.m. (Eastern time) the polling stations in two competing states will close with six votes each: Iowa and Nevada. If Biden wins in Iowa or Trump wins in Nevada, that’s a clear indication that the race is going in their direction.

The Iowa Senate race between Republican Johnny Ernst and his Democratic rival Theresa Greenfield is central, as is the Senate race in Montana, where the election also ends at 10pm. There is a democratic government. Steve Bullock challenges Republican Senator Steve Danes.

Long night : End of the Pacific Coast

At 23.00 hours the election ends in California, which means there is a good chance that 55 votes will be cast for Biden’s column. The rest of the Pacific coast, the democratic strongholds of Oregon (7 voters) and Washington (12), will be closed and they are expected to prefer Biden. Idaho has four votes in the election. Trumpf will probably win.

The last race ends in Hawaii, where the elections end at midnight (Eastern time), and in Alaska at 1 am. And on Wednesdays.

Candidates’ speeches

There’s one thing we can’t predict: If a candidate exceeds the threshold of 270 votes in an election

Trump and Biden are both set to speak to the people on Tuesday night, although with so much uncertainty about when the votes in the rival states will be counted, it is unclear if and when it will be possible to declare victory and cause defeat.

Biden will be in his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware, on election night. During his campaign, he said he would address the nation at the local Chase Center with his constituency colleague, Calif. Senator Kamala Harris, and his spouses.

In the meantime, Trump will probably move his election night to the East Room of the White House because Washington’s restrictions on the number of people who can gather indoors during the pandemic have made it difficult to hold the event at the Trump Hotel.

However, Mr Trump has repeatedly stated that he is against counting the votes after election night and that he is prepared to challenge these counts in court. The counting of legally cast votes always takes place after election night; states usually do not confirm their results until a few weeks later. Winners and losers are announced on election evenings on the basis of the analysis of the partial results, unrelated to the official election results, carried out by the network’s decision-makers.

CORRECTION: This message has been corrected to take account of the fact that the last elections ended at 9 p.m. and Nebraska, Colorado and Kansas.

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