The past twelve months have been described as a year in which the influx of new subscribers has forced streaming services to wage a total war on subscribers. Instead, employees and newcomers started looking for a closed clientele who wanted to see more.

According to a Wall Street Journal analysis of data from research firm MoffettNathanson LLC and HarrisX, the largest streaming services are expected to end in 2020, with total U.S. subscribers more than 50 percent higher than last year.

They took advantage of a captured audience. The coronavirus pandemic caused a lockdown that sent millions of Americans home, giving many more people more time to watch movies and TV shows from the couch. The virus has also led to the closure of cinemas and the suspension of sports federations for months, further increasing the attractiveness of streaming services.

Instead of a smooth war, there has been a smooth coexistence and parallel growth, he said.

Dritan Nesho,

CEO of HarrisX. New services, such as B. Disney+ from Walt Disney Co. have experienced rapid growth without this being clear to established businesses such as

Netflix Inc.

NFLX -0.41%.

and Hulu, he said.

Disney+ did not move the existing services, Nesho said. He was finishing it.

Disney+ is one of the many streaming platforms that didn’t exist just over a year ago. It was introduced in November 2019, a few days after the

Apple Inc.

Apple TV+. The other two big players,

AT&T Inc.

HBO Max and

Comcast company

Peacock, has been on the air the last few months.

About a year ago, in a WSJ-Harris survey, Americans said they would be willing to subscribe to an average of 3.6 streaming services, and about 30% of Netflix subscribers among them said they would probably cancel their subscriptions to make room for new services.

In fact, new streaming platforms have not prevented Netflix and others from adding new customers at a healthy pace. Their growth occurred while traditional pay-TV suppliers continued to lose subscribers. Satellite and cable operators have surpassed one million pay-TV users each quarter since mid-2018, a trend that analysts expect to continue.

According to Kagan, a media research group at S&P Global Intelligence, U.S. households now have an average of 3.1 subscriptions to streaming services, up from 2.7 last year. About three out of four U.S. households subscribe to at least one streaming service, according to MoffettNathanson data.

Right now, the rising tide is helping everyone, he said.

Michael Nathanson,

an analyst for a research firm.

The only new entrant in the industry to have crashed just after launch is Quibi, which closed in October, six months after launch. The service was supposed to allow people to consume entertainment on their smartphones with little interruption, but the pandemic limited the kind of situations Quibi envisioned for its potential users in the future.

Nathanson said it may be difficult for much lesser-known services to continue to attract customers at the same rate after the pandemic if U.S. consumers start spending more money on restaurants, travel and other outside spending. It is unlikely that the return to a normal situation will affect Netflix, which according to him lies in its own stratosphere.

An analysis of Internet traffic in the US shows that the use of Netflix increased much more than competitors during the initial period of the pandemic and remains well above pre-pandemic levels.

The gap between the use of Netflix at weekends and on weekdays has also narrowed, as home customers had more opportunities to program during the week, according to

Craig Labovitz,

CTO of Nokia Deepfield, the network analysis department of the telecommunications equipment manufacturer.

Netflix docu series Tiger King launched mid-March, just as the blockades started in the United States.


Netflix/Everett Collection

Netflix’s enormous dominance during the pandemic can be attributed to its extensive library and continued delivery of original content, while many of its competitors faced production delays related to the pandemic, delaying the release of high-profile content they hoped would attract new subscribers.

Netflix has made no secret of his strategy to keep the crown in the field of streaming videos: more original shows, and many of them. Spending on new series and films such as Tiger King and the Irish helped the subscribers to glue to their TVs, while competing media companies began to bring the content they had licensed – think of Friends and The Office – to their own streaming services.

A small number of original series produced especially for streaming providers such as Disney+ and HBO Max are part of the huge library of popular titles that their parent companies have published in recent years. These companies are starting to bring their online services to the forefront: Disney told investors that it releases about 80 percent of the 100 titles it releases each year at Disney+, while HBO’s parent company, Max WarnerMedia, shocked Hollywood in early December with its plan to release all of its films in 2021 on the same day they are released in theaters.

Power position

Netflix broadcasts are available from 1. July 2009 was the most watched every week.

Most viewed continuous broadcast

The ghosts of Blye’s mansion.

The ghosts of Blye’s mansion.

The ghosts of Blye’s mansion.

The ghosts of Blye’s mansion.


What do you think 2021 can do for streaming services? Take part in the discussion below.

Since July, Netflix has dominated Nielsen’s weekly top 10 mailing lists with a mix of licensed content such as The Office and original series such as The Queen’s Gambit. Disney+ Mandalorian and


The Boys were one of the few other shows to get in the top 10.

I don’t think Netflix was the only company that had a decent pipeline.

Neil Begley,

an analyst at Moody’s Investors Service. But this pipeline will look tighter in 2021.

Netflix will say goodbye to the agency in January when it joins Peacock, a platform developed by Comcast-NBCUniversal, whose management has touted the return of comedy streaming since the launch of the service in July.

Mandalorian on Disney+ is one of the few programs that almost dominated Netflix in 2020.


Disney+/Presse Associée

About 60 percent of U.S. households currently use Netflix, according to market research firm Parks Associates, and it still has a significant lead over most of its competitors – although some newcomers are rapidly gaining popularity.

Some of these conquests are certainly temporary: Many streaming services have to do with an increase in subscriptions, partly due to promotions that offer free access for a year.


Verizon Communications Inc,

Like getting a free subscription to the first year of Disney+. AT&T has offered many customers free trials with HBO Max and has combined the service with the best wireless and broadband packages.

Similarly, pay-TV and broadband subscribers of NBCUniversal’s parent company Comcast will benefit free of charge from Peacock’s premium offer, which is supported by advertising. The company does not question the number of subscriptions from Comcast’s customer base.

Apple TV+, on the other hand, is available free of charge for one year to anyone who has recently purchased an Apple device.

A recent study by MoffettNathanson shows that subscribers to established services such as Netflix, Prime Video and Hulu are much more willing to pay their subscription bills than new entrants. (Amazon Reward subscribers receive Reward Video as part of their package).

HarrisX CEO Nesho said his company expected the number of Apple TV+ subscribers to decline in the fourth quarter of this year with the end of the first wave of free trials – although he said that many were likely to buy iPhones and other Apple products in the coming year, which would partially make up for the shortfall.

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Jess Kurons.

Email Lillian Rizzo at [email protected] and Drew Fitzgerald at [email protected].

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