Whether we like it or not, there will be a different Call of Duty game released for each holiday season. The arrival of a new Call of Duty is set like clockwork, even if players are still enjoying the previous game. Take this year, for example. The call of duty: Modern Warfare has been the most popular game in the franchise for nearly a decade, and the addition of Warzone has kept it fresh. There’s nothing wrong with Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is actually a nice entry in the series, but it’s not needed yet.

The point of all this is to say this: It doesn’t have to be a new Call of Duty game every year, but we know it’s going to happen. So if we want to have another game in October or November 2021, it has to be something new, a break from Modern War and Black Ops Cold War. It would be an extension of Peace in War.

Call of Duty followed up Modern Warfare in 2007 with a return to World War II. This section combines the narrative style of the original games with the multiplayer excellence of CoD 4. What we got was Call of Duty: World at War, which to this day remains one of the best games in the franchise.

Yes, the Call of Duty franchise tried to turn things around with the Call of Duty all-in-one: A few years ago, during World War II, the game was a complete bust. That’s not to say that the parameters of World War II can’t still make a great game. The peace war should be treated as a modern war.

The new version of Modern Warfare finally brought Call of Duty back to the heights it had reached in its famous 2007-2011 series. It introduced a whole new story, but went back to the roots of what made CoD 4 entertaining in the first place. The game was played like the shooters we fell in love with, rather than an improvised game like Advanced Warfare. Not to mention he’s taken many of the most popular maps from the first two installments of Modern Warfare, so players can enjoy them again and again. Even the Cold War follows these tracks to some extent.

It’s time to give World at War a chance. Let’s go back to places like the Castle and the Dome and run around like idiots with MP40s. Let’s call the dogs. Let’s put Kiefer Sutherland behind the DLC character again.

Seriously, who doesn’t want to go back to Makin for another round?

And don’t forget that zombies were created during the war. If one of the most popular elements of Call of Duty was the Black Ops series, it’s the simplicity of Night of the Undead that made Zombies’ success in the first place. Kill zombies, build walls and don’t die. That’s all you had to worry about, and going back to that formula to get at least one payout would be good for long-term players.

If Sledgehammer really is the studio behind Call of Duty 2021 and decides not to go back to the World War II set, then it would at least be the right time for a remastered version of World at War. Imagine the campaign taking place on the PS5 or the X series!

Over the years, we’ve had five Black Ops games and four Modern Warfare games. While some of them have been great, it’s time to resurrect a series that is still reaching 1,000 copies after all these years. Sure there was only one shot, but it was a home run and it earned another trip to home plate.

Want to see another Call of Duty? A peace contest in the war? Let us know in the comments!

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