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There will always be passionate debates about what is the best time for basketball. Some old school fans believe that in the distant past, the tires were harder, the defense was harder to break and the players had to go through tougher tests in pursuit of glory.

Other fans believe that today’s players are much more qualified than ever and can easily dominate the past, if not more so than today.

And since he won his first NBA championship, the social media has been telling the story that Anthony Davis generally plays better than previous big players like Kevin Garnett, Tim Duncan and Dirk Nowicki.

So the fans went on Twitter to try to settle the debate once and for all, but not surprisingly they couldn’t agree that Anthony Davis is a better player than the aforementioned Hall of Famers.

NBA Twitter has a problem publishing current players every time a player does something good.

Here’s a fact:

AD is no better than Duncan, KG, Dirk or Malone.

☘ (@KGsGoat) 2. November 2020.

If you tell me you were gonna take the AP to Duncan, you’re a banana. The prosecutor’s not even around.

– 1. Boston sword (@Boston sword) November 2020.

he’s scratching the surface of his increased potential, so let’s not even compare, but he’s definitely already better than Carl Malone.

– 1. TheAce (@TheAce_VIP) 2. TheAce (@TheAce_VIP) November 2020

he may be better, but he’s no higher than anyone else on the list at all times.

– 2. Ethan (@LookAtEthanMan) November 2020.

However, he has all the talents and abilities to do so. He will soon turn 28, so he has about 6 or 7 years to immerse himself in this conversation.

That’s another question: If he maintains the average level of his career (24p, 10r, 2a, 1.5s, 2.5b) and gets another ring, will he pass KG, Dirk and Malone?

– Jonaton Klink (@JohnathonKlink) 2. November 2020.

The best player? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Career? Not yet. Not yet. This guy can literally do anything. Tell the other guys to take out the long triplets with confidence while defending themselves at an elite level.

– Antonio Pieve 2. November 2020 (@antonio_pieve)

The flight path rarely remains the same. Usually it’s downhill. There are few exceptions to this rule, and tall people are generally no exceptions.

– Barry Smith (@BarrySmithMFFL) 2. November 2020.

AD is a more talented and better player than anyone else, AD and KG have the same number of rings, and AD doesn’t need Ray Allen, Paul Pierce and Rondo to win, your old heads just have an emotional attachment to the game in return and you don’t recognize when someone is better than your friend.

– Elijah (@elijahhh01) 3. November 2020.

That’s right. If you can’t be objective, just talk about what you see. Especially if your fandom #NBA only lasts ten or two decades.

– 1. Mainly Knicks (@meestal_knicks) November 2020

Give the ball to Malone at the top of the key and tell me the result. I know a guy named AD who can shoot 3 times, kick, turn his back to the bucket, dribble, then get up and pick up shit on the edge. Malone Aint leaves the painting. AD has a full package. stretch 4/5

– Kev (@KevinKe37315130) 3. November 2020.

There will never be an objective position. Some tend to deify the past, while others try to humiliate it. To be honest, each of these leaders has a strong argument for being the best of the best.

Dirk Nowicki is certainly the most offensive of all. He revolutionized the way the game is played here and paved the way for today’s great shooters. Tim Duncan was the hardest working man on both ends of the floor, a man whose game wasn’t pretty, but who always got the job done.

Kevin Garnett is undoubtedly the best leader and the biggest competitor and one of the few players to have won an MVP or DPOY award. In terms of protection, he could be the best.

As far as Anthony Davis is concerned, he is, of course, the greatest man in the world today. He’s an elite bomber and egg master, and he’s just getting started. Maybe he’s a better striker in the end, but you have to wait until his career is over. Moreover, there is no need to compare, and we all agree that they are all legends of the game.

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