Most often, softthinks agent service high disk and CPU usage on Windows PC. Here is how to fix it:
1. Go to C:\Program Files\Softthinks Agent Service\” folder;
2. Delete the two files with .dat extension;
3. Restart the computer.;

If you are experiencing high disk usage by Softthinks Agent Service on Windows PC and unable to figure out why, this is a guide for the troubleshooting process.

The “antimalware service executable” is a file that runs on your computer. The file is responsible for downloading and installing Softthinks Agent Service, which is the main component of the Softthinks Antimalware program. If you are experiencing high CPU usage or disk usage by Softthinks Agent Service, it’s recommended to troubleshoot and fix the issue with this file.

How to Troubleshoot High Disk and CPU Usage by Softthinks Agent Service on Windows PC

Update: Use our optimization tool to stop receiving error messages and slowing down your machine. Click here to get it right now.


Many Dell laptops and desktops have the Softthinks Agent Service, which has the unusual capability of periodically backing up data and applications on the machine. In various Windows operating systems, this function has shown to be valuable in restoring the system in the event of damage.

The issue is that the Softthinks agent service is occasionally set up to backup all data on the computer, or it has a trigger that prompts it to do so. This indicates it consumes 100% of the hard drive’s capacity for at least two hours.

What causes the Softthinks agent service to use so much hard drive and CPU space?


The reason for this is because the service backs up your computer’s data. It also has a timer or trigger configured to automatically start the backup operation. In certain cases, hard disk utilization may approach 100% in as little as 2 hours.

When you start Windows 10 normally or from standby mode, SoftThinks Agent Service, on the other hand, starts as usual. This is also the cause of SoftThinks Agent Service’s high hard disk load.

How does SoftThinks Agent Service reduce excessive hard drive and CPU load?

Updated on January 2022:

You may now use this program to avoid PC issues such as file loss and infection by utilizing it. It’s also a terrific method to get the most out of your computer’s performance. The software easily repairs common Windows system faults – no need to spend hours debugging when you have the correct answer right at your fingertips:

  • Step 1 : Download PC Repair & Optimizer Tool (Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista – Microsoft Gold Certified).
  • Step 2: Select “Start Scan” to look for Windows registry issues that might be causing your computer to malfunction.
  • Step 3: To address all faults, click “Repair All.”


programs-and-features-uninstaller SoftThinks Agent Service should be disabled.

  1. To open Run, press Windows Key + R.
  2. To access the Control Panel, type Control and hit Enter.
  3. Go to Programs -> Programs and Features.
  4. Select “Dell Backup & Recovery” from the list.
  5. To permanently uninstall the software from your computer, choose Uninstall.
  6. Your computer should be restarted.

Disable the Softhinks agent service if you don’t want to use it.

  1. To enter the Run dialog box with administrator access, use “Windows Key + R.”
  2. Services of this kind. MSC and Enter are the keystrokes to use.
  3. Look for “Softhinks Agent Service” in the “Services” window.
  4. By using the S key on your keyboard, you may look for the service.
  5. Select Properties from the right-click menu on “Softhinks agent services.”
  6. Select Disabled from the Startup Type drop-down box in the Properties window.
  7. Select Manual if you wish to start Dell Backup Utility manually.
  8. Under Maintenance Status, choose Suspend. The Softhinks Service Agent process will be terminated as a result of this action.
  9. Click Apply -> OK to save your changes.
  10. Restart the computer. Open Task Manager when the system has restarted and examine the hard drive utilization.

RECOMMENDATION FROM THE STAFF: If you’re experiencing problems with your computer, go here to solve Windows errors and improve system performance.

Most Commonly Asked Questions

  1. Select Properties from the context menu when you right-click on the service.
  2. Click the Startup Type combo box in the Properties window and set it to Disabled.
  1. To launch the “Run” dialog box, use “Windows Key + R.”
  2. Type “Services” into the search box.
  3. Find “Softhink Agent Service” in the “Services” window.
  4. Select Properties from the right-click menu on “Softhinks agent services.”
  5. Select Disabled from the “Startup Type” drop-down menu in the “Properties” box.

System error diagnoses and solutions, system recovery (including user data and settings transfer), data backup, and continuous backup with versioning are all included in Softthinks Backup and Recovery.


The “sftservice. exe disk usage” is a process that has been causing high CPU and Disk usage on Windows PC. This article will show you how to troubleshoot the issue.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I disable SoftThinks agent service?

No, you cant disable it.

What is SoftThinks agent services?

A: SoftThinks is a company that specializes in providing high quality customer service for its clients. They offer $40/hour live chat support, as well as phone and email support where appropriate.

What is SoftThinks software?

A: SoftThinks is a software company that creates applications for personal computers, smartphone and tablets.

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