Now that the elections are over, the investigation is entering a new phase. Delaware federal prosecutors, who work with the IRS and the FBI’s criminal investigation department, take measures such as issuing subpoenas and conducting interviews, the well-informed man said.

According to him, most of the research activities carried out in recent months have been carried out passively as a result of guidelines issued by the Ministry of Justice prohibiting overt actions that could affect the elections.

This week CNN contacted Biden’s lawyer and asked him to comment on the investigation. On Wednesday, they made a statement about the probe recognition.

Yesterday I first learned that the U.S. Attorney General’s office in Delaware has also informed my attorney general that it was investigating my tax affairs. I take this case very seriously, but I am convinced that a professional and objective analysis of these cases will show that I have done my job legally and correctly, including through professional accountants, Hunter Biden said in his statement.

Investigators are investigating a number of financial issues, including whether Hunter Biden and his associates breached tax and money laundering laws when doing business abroad, primarily in China, according to two people who were informed about the investigation. Get more detail on taxing here at tax defense center.

Some of these agreements involved people who, according to the FBI, have expressed concerns about counter-espionage, which, according to another source, is a common problem in dealing with Chinese companies.

The investigation began in 2018, even before William Barr became U.S. Attorney General, two people said they had been informed of the investigation. The existence of the investigation will be a direct test of Biden’s commitment to maintaining the independence of the judiciary.

The Sinclair Broadcast Group announced in October that the FBI had opened a criminal investigation against Hunter Biden. CNN has learned new details about the application of the probe, including the focus on China.

Mystery booklet

Suspicion of an investigation arose after President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, helped organize messages focused on a laptop computer allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden that contained his business files and other personal documents.

The FBI took possession of the laptop at the end of 2019, according to a Delaware computer repair specialist who showed reporters a copy of the subpoena. The subpoena is sincere, according to those who have been informed of the case, but the FBI and the Delaware attorneys have refused to confirm the investigation.

It is not clear whether the content of the laptop is relevant to an ongoing federal investigation and whether investigators will be able to use it, given the possible demands on the chain of evidence.

CNN has already reported that at least some of the information that Mr. Giuliani claims to have obtained came from a laptop computer, such as information shared with others in Ukraine last year, according to a witness who was asked for information by the FBI. Giuliani’s attempts to dig up information about Biden in Ukraine were central to Trump’s indictment last year. The current research on Hunter Biden seems to have preceded these efforts.

The involvement of Trump’s lawyers in the publication of the news about Biden’s alleged laptop led to increased activity by Republican lawmakers and Trump’s campaign to intensify allegations of corruption in the run-up to the elections. The FBI met with former business partner Hunter Biden, who publicly pointed out possible misconduct. At the time, the FBI issued a statement indicating that the FBI would generally consider public information as a response to violations of federal law.

The political implications of the investigation have already been an issue for Barr in recent months, who has come under public pressure from Trump to turn Hunter Biden’s activities into an election issue. According to the two main sources who have been informed of this case, the investigation has not yet been linked to allegations of misconduct by the President-elect. Barr publicly stated that Higher Biden was not under investigation, although Trump, in his public campaign, asked Barr to announce an investigation into corruption against the two Biden companies.

China Focus

Researchers seem to be focusing on Hunter Biden’s business activities related to China. Some of its activities in China are known to the public through interviews and documents released in September by Republicans in the Senate Finance Committee and the Committee on National Security and Government Affairs.

After his father’s resignation in 2017, Hunter Biden worked on an agreement with CEFC China Energy to invest in U.S. energy projects, according to Republican documents.

At least one of the cases being handled by the investigators is a gift from Hunter Biden, founder and former president of CEFC, Ye Jianming, to a 2017 2.8-carat diamond, which he received after a business meeting in Miami, said a person who was briefed on the case. In 2019, Biden submitted a report to New Yorker magazine about the reception of the Ye diamond. He told the city of New York that he felt bad about getting the diamond and giving it to other partners and that he didn’t know what they had done with it. I knew this was a bad idea. I just thought it was weird, he said in his interview in New York.

Hunter Biden said in New York that the CEFC deal had failed and that he didn’t see Ye as a dark character. The Chinese authorities then arrested Ye when the Chinese media reported allegations of corruption against him.

In an interview with the magazine, Hunter Biden talked about his personal struggles, including drug addiction and the breakdown of his marriage. During the divorce proceedings, his ex-wife’s lawyers cited the diamond Biden had received and assumed it was worth $80,000. Biden told New York it was worth about $10,000.

The receipt of such a gift could have potential tax consequences for Biden, and the New York account does not describe how it subsequently resolved the issue. Sources told CNN that investigators investigated whether Biden had properly reported his income over a period of time for tax purposes. Although the diamond was originally part of the research, it is unclear whether the gift still has the attention of the researchers.

Hunter Biden then briefly became Patrick Ho’s lawyer, who ran a CEFC-supported organization, and was convicted in 2018 for bribing officials in Chad and Uganda for CEFC energy projects in those countries. Ho was sentenced to three years in federal prison. He has since been released and sent back to Hong Kong, his lawyer said.

According to a New Yorker, Hunter Biden was involved in a previous Chinese business venture that caught the attention of the staff of Obama’s White House and Joe Biden. In 2013, Hunter Biden started working with American and Chinese partners who created an investment fund called BHR Partners for transactions outside China. Hunter Biden was an unpaid director of BHR and received a shareholding after his father resigned, reports the New Yorker.

Challenge for the new President

In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tupper last week, President-elect Biden promised to keep an independent judicial ministry free of political interference.

I won’t tell them what to do or what not to do. I’m not gonna talk, I’m gonna hunt A, B or C, Biden said.

That’s not the part… It’s not my department of justice. This is the People’s Justice Department.

The person or persons I have chosen to head the department will be one who can independently decide who will be held accountable and who will not, Biden said.

Republicans in Congress will almost certainly use the existence of the probe to continue their argument that Hunter Biden’s activities in China are a sign of his father’s foreign policy conflict with Beijing.

It is also likely to be a problem for the candidate for Attorney General, Mr Biden, in the confirmation hearings of the Senate.

Trump faced a similar but much more difficult problem when he took office in 2017, when General Jeff Sesession had to quickly relinquish his oversight of Trump’s federal investigation into the campaign and possible links to the Russian intervention in the 2016 elections.

These meetings took place during the presidential election campaign. He then met with the Russian ambassador, who took part in the FBI investigation.

It is very likely that the candidates for the Biden Attorney General’s office do not have this connection.

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