Finally, after almost a year and a half of drought, the wonderful world of cinema is preparing for its return. Due to production delays that hampered the completion of Black Widow and Eternals, and the cessation of production that prevented the completion of Falcon and Winter Soldier, Marvel’s WandaVision will be the first new MCU project since Spider-Man: Far away from home was released last July. For months, fans have insisted that they know exactly when the WandaVision series will debut at Disney+, and now we finally have the answer.

On Thursday, Marvel and Disney announced on social networking sites that WandaVision will premiere on May 15 in January 2021. This is certainly later than the fans had hoped, given that there was nothing to do with the Marvel studio in 2020 and the seemingly obvious conclusion that WandaVision will arrive in December. However, we now have a date to mark in our calendars for the official return of the franchise system.

A new era is dawning. 15. January on #DisneyPlus. sent by #WandaVision, the original Marvel Studio series.

– Wanda-Vizhn (@wandavision) 12. November 2020

WandaVision will be very different from all other MCU entries to date. Not only is this the first series created entirely by Marvel Studio, but it also combines the magical elements of the franchise with the world of classic sitcoms. Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany rework their roles as Scarlet Witches and Visions and find that it remains to be seen how this will fit into the grand scheme of things, since the visions were killed in The Avengers : A war with no end.

The sound of WandaVision will also be much stranger than what the franchise has broadcast so far. In an interview earlier this year, Bettany called the show crazy.

Yeah, I’m back for WandaVision… I’m such a fan of Kevin Fage, he took such a risk with the show and the concept of the show. It’s beautifully written by [Jack Schaeffer] and his writers, and it’s crazy, Bettany said. I mean, it’s so external and crazy, the choices they make. And the fans don’t have to wait that long. You’ll understand much better what she can really look and feel like.

Besides Olsen and Bettany, WandaVision will show the return of Cat Dennings as Darcy Lewis and Randall Park as Jimmy Wu via MCU. Katherine Khan plays the role of the pair’s annoying neighbor, Agnes, and Teyona Parris plays Monica Rambo’s eldest daughter. If you remember correctly, the young Monica first appeared in 2019 in the film Captain Marvel, which was shot in the 1990s. In this film, Akira Akbar plays an 11-year-old version of the character.

Darcy Lewis hasn’t been seen in the MCU since Thor: The World of Darkness, released in 2013. It remains to be seen if she will return to the coming Torah: Love and Thunder, because this film will also show the return of Natalie Portman Jane Foster. As far as Jimmy Wu is concerned, his only MCU gig was in Ant-Man and the Wasp in 2018.

Are you looking forward to WandaVision at Disney+ next year? Let us know what you think! If you haven’t signed up for Disney+ yet, try it here.

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