Ralph Lauren Korp.

Introduces several new ways for shoppers to buy their products during this holiday period, including the ability to display their polo player and pony logo with

Snap Inc.


Consumers can scan the logo with a snap chat camera to create an augmented reality in the application, including a lens with Ralph Lauren gift boxes and red ribbons. Users can touch the virtual gift boxes to see an animated version of the logo and then take a picture with a ribbon to send to their friends. After the holidays, the target will change in the course of the year.

People can scan the logo of the polo shirt wherever they find it – on their shirt, on the website, in a shopping bag.

Our goal is to find the right technology that allows us to recognize who we are, which makes us unique, says David Lauren, director of innovation and branding at Ralph Lauren and son of the company’s founder.

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The experiment uses the Snapchat scanning technology introduced last year. Traders who have used it to activate promotions in Snapchat include the following

McDonald’s Corps.


Coca-Cola Co.

The experiment begins on Thursday, a week before Black Friday and Cyber Sunday, an important moment for retailers, many of whom have been severely affected by the coronavirus pandemic. In September, Ralph Lauren said he would lay off about 15% of his staff as part of the restructuring of the company.

According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. retail sales increased 0.3% in seasonally adjusted terms in October, slowing to 1.6% in September and the smallest monthly increase in retail sales since May.

The holiday season gives many retailers the opportunity to make up for lost time, especially through e-commerce. The market research agency eMarketer predicts that $190.47 billion will be spent online in November and December, an increase of 36%, which means that $50.2 billion more will be sold this year than last year. And this percentage increase will be more than twice as high as the 15.4% jump in 2019 compared to the previous year.’s-Polo-Player-Goes-Scannable-and-AR-for-the.6666666666666666.jpeg

Festival on the Red Ribbon, polo player Ralph Lauren on the application of augmented reality.


Ralph Lauren

The pandemic has prompted retailers to try more digital experiences, including augmented reality and other formats, according to Nicole Green, director and senior analyst at the company.

Gartner Inc.

The scanned Ralph Lauren logo gives consumers something new to try and makes them feel like an insider who knows the brand well, she says.

Declining store sales and the closure of many stores in the country or access restrictions have forced companies, especially retailers, to try new things to complement this experience, as a normal business trip was completely disrupted, Green said.

This is the second collaboration between Ralph Lauren and Snap. Earlier this year they worked together to create products for Snaps Bitmoji, avatars that users can adopt from Snapchat and other platforms. More than 10 million users have put their Bitmoji in Ralph Lauren and have tried the collection more than 250 million times, according to the company.

In addition to the Snapchat logo experience, Ralph Lauren adds an online game and virtual store that simulates the company’s real stores in New York, Paris and elsewhere.

All these digital experiences – Lauren calls them merchandising – are part of the company’s mission to be the leading digital company and to keep the brand front and center, he said.

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Companies are trying to use many similar digital tactics to stay relevant to consumers, but it remains to be seen whether they will increase revenues, says Paul Munford, investor and founder of Lean Luxe Inc.

The partnership will enable Snapchat to continue to encourage people to pick up their phones and use their technology to scan the things around them – even brands, says Carolina Arguelles Navas, marketing manager for augmented reality products at Snap, who is not making money with Ralph Lauren through the partnership.

The interest for us, especially now, is to build up such behaviour, Mrs Arguelles said.

As Snap continues to work with many brands to provide these additions to reality and early camera experiences, the company will need to find ways to make them useful or entertaining for customers, said Ms. They believe that what technology does for consumers is more important than the novelty or surprise factor.

For many years, Black Friday was one of the biggest days of the Christmas shopping season. But that could change by 2020. The coronavirus pandemic is rapidly following the major changes already underway in the retail sector and is pushing consumers into the digital future. It’s an illustration: Jacob Reynolds/WSJ

Write to Anne-Marie Alcantara at [email protected].

Patch and Patch
Carolina Argüelles Navas is responsible for the marketing of augmented reality products at Snap Inc. In an earlier version of this article, she wrongly stated that she was the head of the Augmented Reality Department. (Corrected for 18 November)

Copyright ©2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8

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